Aligarh Fort - where
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AligarhFort - Destinations to see in Uttar Pradesh India
Aligarh FortAligarh Fort (Hindi: अलीगढ़ क़िला, Urdu: علی گڑھ قلعہ Aligarh Qila) one of the strongest forts in India, is located in the city of Aligarh (The city was earlier named as Kol or Koil), Uttar Pradesh. It is also called "Aligarh Qila". It is situated on the Grand Trunk road and consists of a regular polygon, surrounded by a very broad and deep ditch. HistoryIt was built during the time of Ibrahim Lodi by Muhammad, son of Umar the governor of Kol, in 1524-25. Sabit Khan who was the governor of this region during the time of Farrukh Siyar and Muhammad Shah, further rebuilt the fort. [2] It became a fortress of great importance under Madhavrao I Scindia in 1759, and was the depot where he drilled and organized his battalions in the European fashion with the aid of French soldier Benoît de Boigne. During the Battle of Ally Ghur, it was captured from the Marathas under the leadership of a French officer Perron by Lord Gerard Lake's British army, in September 1803, since which time it has been much strengthened and improved. In the rebellion of 1857 the troops stationed at Aligarh mutinied, but abstained from murdering their officers, who, with the other residents and ladies and children, succeeded in reaching Hathras.
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